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IT projects

In recent years, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan and other countries of EEU and CIS are attracting attention as global markets and talented countries.

CIS countries (formerly the Soviet Union) are known in the world as a region that has produced excellent engineers and inventors. This region has given many excellent system development engineers and programmers, who have created new ideas around the world. It seems that programmers and engineers in the former Soviet area are more creative and unique than other countries, but they are creative and can solve problems that no one else can do in a limited time and budget. The creative problem-solving methodology TRIZ ( "the theory of inventive problem solving", and occasionally goes by the English acronym TIPS.) made in the former Soviet Union is also gaining popularity. The best example of using TRIZ by now is Samsung, that utilized this theory for its innovations.


MIRAI-ERDANI provides lab-type offshore development and localization solution services using its own IT source.


We offer development of web projects, information systems, smartphone applications, services for overseas markets, and development of inbound customer acquisition apps, etc.


MIRAI-ERDANI can secure an excellent engineer team for the required period and flexibly respond to requirements and specification changes. Teams can be built at minimum in two weeks, and temporary development can be accommodated. The development cost and maintenance operation cost per engineer can be reduced. By securing an engineer team in the medium to long term, you can accumulate knowledge of the project.


MIRAI-ERDANI has been providing services such as offshore development related to Japan and provision of IT human resource utilization know-how, aiming to provide services focused on CIS countries.


Now that the world's attention is focused on the Eurasian Economic Union and other CIS countries, the MIRAI-ERDANI group, which develops comprehensive human resources services specialized in the IT field, provides total services related to IT.


​MIRAI-ERDANI outsourcing aims to provide Japanese quality services especially in the fields of IT development, operations, and back office operations, with the background of our recruitment know-how to satisfy foreign companies.


Lab-type development service provided by MIRAI-ERDANI is a service that is aimed at determining the future establishment of a local subsidiary for customers. Rather than a simple place rental / personal lending service, we provide support for the labor and development of your lab team to help you successfully enter the CIS countries. We can respond to customer needs through contracted development and laboratory development. The development staff trained human resources who received higher education from the beginning based on our long-term know-how of human resource development. Depending on the request of the client company, we offer contract-type development, lab-type development and a flexible development environment.​


MIRAI-ERDANI carries out the service at a high level:

Improvement of development efficiency and quality

Effectiveness achieved by continuing efforts

Promoting development efficiency and quality improvement through a system

High motivation and success rate are proportional

Initiatives for development

Ticket-driven development for Scrum, Redmine, git, etc.

Detecting stagnation early by visualizing progress

Use Water Fall for low-budget / short-term projects

While Scrum takes more man-hours to develop, it reduces the customer's specification transmission and review load.


Quality initiatives

​Improving the efficiency of defect detection / repair through the division of labor between programmers and testers

Activeness of programmers enrolled in IT universities is active during the test period

Reduce the occurrence of defects in advance by providing review opportunities for each phase

Prevent massive rework early


Localization / Multilingual HP / Web Translation​


We create a CIS language version of the homepage. Updates can be processed almost simultaneously with the main version, with the work of a web page expert. We maintain constantly and propose various management support.

​Professional translators understand the client's intentions, products and services, and carry out optimal translation work.

Depending on the customer's request, we can provide coding and application.

Trados and other CAT-used translation makes it easy for customers to choose prices.


All images in various languages are localized using advanced DTP technology, and support multilingual processing of FLASH and other videos. We accept localization work such as Java Script / Applet, CGI / PHP, CSS.

In WEB multilingualization work, we produce and maintain foreign language versions of WEB. We can also accurately localize copies of catchphrases and demanding appeal.

We also offer registration services for major search engines in each country, and inquiries (translation / contact) services for inquiries by e-mail. Realize various localizations on a fulfillment basis. Our technical department and coordinator provide technical support so that translators can use their full capabilities most efficiently.

Kamoshida-cho 812-2 Aoba-ku Yokohama-city Japan,

Beibitshilik street 18 office 321, Astana, Kazakhstan 

Tel. +81-50-5806-7587

Fax. +81-50-3101-4174



For translators: for urgent communications: +81-70-2811-6913 (Japan) 

© 2022 by MIRAI-ERDANI

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